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Small Front Porch Christmas Decorating Ideas

Hi guys. Just popping in today with my small front porch Christmas decorating ideas for this year. Additionally today, I also have my annual garland giveaway with Lynch Creek Farm!

I truly love their fresh garland and wreaths and I look forward to decorating with it every year!

Although my porch is small it’s one of my favorite spots to decorate seasonally. I really made the most of this small space.

small front porch Christmas decor

Earlier this year we finally replaced our front door. The old one had gaps so large the cold air came pouring in. It’s something we’ve talked about doing for many years.

Now that we finally have our pretty new door, I had to frame it with my favorite cedar garland for Christmas.

hanging garland around front door small porch

Most years, I put this garland on my Christmas mantel but I opted to keep it outside this year. It stays fresh much longer outside.


You can see how beautiful the garland is in this close-up.

As for the rest of the porch decorations, the wreaths on the windows are artificial but so pretty. I use these every year and wish I had more. They were from Terrain and I don’t think they sell them anymore.

The live tree in the pot was found at the Home Depot. Funny story, I didn’t buy it the first time I saw it and ended up going back for it. When I got there there were only two left and this one was a better shape.

There were two men standing in front of it debating whether to buy it so I was acting casual waiting for them to leave and hoping they wouldn’t pick this up. They barely took one step away from it when I swooped in and grabbed it.


This basket holds my ever-changing seasonal display. I used greenery, very large ornaments from the dollar store, and this lighted orb that stays out here all year.


I put together a few DIY winter pots for the porch as well. Below I stacked two pots together and filled them with evergreens and grapevine. The orb on top is covered with boxwood branches I cut from my shrubs. I attached those with fishing line.

In the other planters, I cut branches from trees and just stuck them in the dirt. It’s a super easy idea that looks surprisingly good. Those are holding up well.


In the terrarium, I did a simple mix of bay laurel cuttings with candles at different heights.


As for the garland giveaway, to enter to win a garland you’ll need to head to my Instagram page and follow the instructions there. (Sorry to anyone that doesn’t use Instagram, but this is what Lynch Creek preferred). The winner will be chosen tomorrow (12/6) so you only have about 24 hours to enter! Good Luck!



  1. Teddee Grace says:

    When I go to your Instagram page I see no way of entering.

    1. That’s odd, it’s definitely there.

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