30 Second Cleaner For Outdoors
Recently, I was shopping for an outdoor cleaner and I came across this bottle of outdoor 30 second cleaner. My white patio umbrella was filthy and I had tried multiple things to get it clean. Nothing worked.

I bought this not expecting much. But I wanted to try once more to save my patio umbrella.
How To clean Outdoor umbrella
The 30 second cleaner is super simple to use. You attach the bottle to your garden hose. There’s a notch for cleaning and another for rinsing.

After attaching it to my hose, I saturated the underside of the umbrella with the cleaner. For some reason, it was the underside of the umbrella that was filthy. I guess from grass clippings and mildew.

Much to my absolute shock and amazement, this is what the umbrella looked like when I had gotten half done.
I wasn’t planning on posting about this but after I saw these results I had to stop to take photos!

It’s unbelievable how well it works!

I ended up using almost the whole bottle on the umbrella. That was probably more than I needed to use, it would’ve worked with less.
how to clean outdoor cushions
After I saw the amazing results on my patio umbrella, I used what was left on my patio cushions. The cushions had gotten some grass stains on the underside.

There could not be an easier way to go about cleaning outdoor cushions! I had even tried running these through my washing machine and that didn’t get the stains out at all.
As with cleaning the umbrella, I attached the bottle to my garden hose and sprayed the cleaner all over the cushions. Once they were saturated with the cleaner, I switched the nozzle to the rinse setting.
With the little bit of cleaner I had left, these came out perfectly clean.

Both the patio umbrella and cushions now look brand new!
The photo below is from a year or two ago when I had just gotten the umbrella.

And here is how it looks now after cleaning it this year.

Because I wasn’t planning on sharing this outdoor 30 second cleaner on the blog when I began this project, my photos aren’t great. However, when I find something this good I have to share it!
The bottle says it also works on houses, decks, and fences. And that you can reach the second story of a house with it. I am absolutely going back for another bottle and using it to powerwash my house next! It also says it’s safe to use around your lawn and plants. It does have a mild bleach smell so I would keep your pets out of the area.
It’s literally the best $20 I’ve spent all year!
I just used 30 Second cleaner to remove the unknown stains from the vinyl siding on the front of my home. It was a strange 3’ high orange colored stain that ran the entire length on my house…no one knew what caused it. Over the last few years, I tried power washing, bleach, cleaning vinegar, toilet bowl cleaner…nothing touched it. I misted the 30 Second cleaner on the vinyl with my pump sprayer and literally watched the mystery stain melt away. I used the garden hose to rinse the house…the stain was gone, like magic. No need for scrubbing or hauling the power washer out.