Now Trending: Stock Tank Pools

Have you seen the cutest new trend, stock tank pools? What a fun idea especially considering many of us are spending much more time at home this summer.

Believe or not these “pools” are actually horse troughs! Its a creative idea and for those of us who don’t have a large outdoor area for a big pool it’s a great solution. They’re also far less expensive than a traditional pool, costing around a few hundred dollars.

They come in round or oval-shaped, in a variety of sizes. They can be tucked in a corner of the yard, on a deck or just about anywhere else you can think of.

I love how this pool was built into the landscape. You’d never believe this was a horse trough!

They can be painted, as shown in this adorable set up with the pool painted pink.

how to paint a stock tank pool

Add a small pool right onto your deck.

Or tuck it right into a corner.

I love this pretty backyard and the stock tank pool painted light blue complements the overall design.

They also work in more modern settings as you can see with this pool that was painted black.

painting stock tank pools

It doesn’t have to be over the top. I also love this simple yet beautiful pool setup.

stock tank pool ideas

Isn’t that a fun idea? If you’re looking for a way to avoid the crowds this summer but aren’t interested in investing in a traditional pool, stock tank pools could be a great option for you.

You can find more ideas for creating your own outdoor entertainment here.


  1. Karen phipps says:

    Beautiful, how would these be filtered?

    1. I’ve read how some people cut a hole in the side and add a filter.

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