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No-Sew Sweater Pumpkin DIY


Have you guys seen those super cute little pumpkins covered in traditional white sweater material? I love the idea but my experiments with sewing machines never ended well.

how to make DIY no -sew sweater pumpkins

If you have that same problem, I have good news for you. I figured out a way to get the same exact look with a DIY no-sew sweater pumpkin! And you only need a few items to do it.

Supplies For No-Sew Sweater Pumpkin


You can begin with any color faux pumpkin because it’s going to get painted at the end. The same goes for the puff paint, it doesn’t matter what color you use.

pumpkin painting ideas

Drawing the pattern

First, you want to use your puff paint to draw a sweater pattern on your pumpkin. Don’t worry if your pattern isn’t perfect, you can see mine isn’t. When everything is painted at the end it won’t be noticeable.

painted sweater pumpkins how to

I did alternating rows of dots, X’s, and arrows going both up and down. I’m putting together a short video of drawing the pattern that I’ll add to the end of this post when it’s ready. Sometimes video is easier to get a better visual.

Alternatively, if you wanted to use hot glue to draw the pattern you could use that instead of the puff paint pens. An upside to using hot glue is it dries faster. However, hot glue always leaves those little stringy things and would be harder to control.

In my opinion, the pens are easier, it’ll just take longer to dry. They say four hours but mine took longer. I ended up leaving them until the next day.

Painting The Pumpkin

Once the puff paint is dry, you’re going to paint the whole pumpkin white. This will give it that white winter sweater look.

Here you have another choice: spray paint vs acrylic craft paint. I chose to spray paint because it’s quicker and doesn’t leave any brush strokes. I placed a small piece of aluminum foil over the stem to keep the paint away from that.

You may want to tack the foil down with a drop of glue to hold it in place because the air from the spray paint can blow it off (happened to me).

ideas for painted pumpkins easy

It’s as easy as that. This is a super simple, no-stress craft idea. And it’s easy enough for kids to try as well. Let them hand paint it to keep them busy for longer!

I put my little sweater pumpkin in a basket with some sedum stems I cut from the garden for a pretty display.

DIY Sweater pumpkins

I’m 2 for 2 on fall crafts already this year (see my autumn terracotta wreath here) and even have an idea for a third!

pumpkin decorating ideas


  1. Really clever and totally adorable. Thank you for sharing the step-by-step process and helpful hints!

    1. You should, they’re so easy!

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