DIY Garage Door Halloween Decorations
I had full intentions to decorate the outside of my house for Halloween this year. But time got away from me and that’s not going to happen. However, I did want to share several fun DIY garage door Halloween decorations that I came across.
Honestly, Halloween isn’t my favorite but I do appreciate the creativity that comes along with it! And these decorations are definitely creative!
Ready to get into the Halloween spirit? Let your house be your canvas with these garage door Halloween decorations.
There are so many fun ways to do so!
When I was searching online for the best ideas, I came across many of the same things. For that reason, I went the extra mile to find some new ideas, such as this beautiful scene below.

Creating a black silhouette scene
Many of these outdoor Halloween decorations are black silhouettes. From what I’ve read there are lots of ways to achieve these yourself. Some said they used black duct tape and others used foam board or poster board with black paint.

The foam board can be removed and stored away but that seems like too much work to me. And I’d never put duct tape on my house. For that reason, I’ve also included Halloween door decorations you can purchase further down in this post.
One other DIY I noticed mentioned is to use black garbage bags. That could work for the giant googly eyes below.

One more way you could DIY these silhouettes is with a Cricut machine. Cricut sells removal decal material.
The only limitation with that is the sheets are 12″ X 12″ so you’d need a lot to make a big impact on a garage door. However, if you have a single garage door it would be less work.
That idea could work well to create the creative decorations below! This is one of my favorites.

This large garage door cover below is a fun way to incorporate a large, spooky scene. This goes a long way if you’re trying to make a big statement. You could also add lighting to your design to make it really pop at night.

The Easy way to decorate your garage door
When it comes to DIY garage door Halloween decorations, there is one quick and easy way to do it.
Use a removable decal!
It’s likely the more inexpensive way to go. Simply purchase a quick decal that can easily be removed later. Not to mention the time it’ll save.
Some DIYs just aren’t worth the time and money.
This pretty witch is one of my favorites because it’s so unique. This is available to purchase in multiple sizes, which gives you plenty of options if you’d like to use it along with other decorations. You could also use a smaller version elsewhere.

This set is simple but effective! You could break these up and use a few of the creatures in your windows as well. For example, the black cats would look cool displayed at the bottom of a window.

Those of you with a sense of humor will love this. The creative ways to use skeletons for Halloween are virtually endless but these are the best.
Your house would definitely get some attention as the fun Halloween house with this scene. Keep in mind, that you’d need a double garage door to fit all four.

Or how about a few giant spiders? These are kind of cute but can still add to an eerie Halloween scene if that’s the look you’re going for.

colorful garage door Halloween decorations
The simple decals below are a perfect choice if you want to add a little color and have it a bit less scary.

I like this set for younger kids. It’s bright and fun for your little ones.

Though this haunted house is shown in black and white here, it is available in other colors. It’s another unique find.

When I want something a little different, I always check Etsy.
Halloween garage door cover
Go big with a garage door cover or a scary mural. This is probably the easiest way to make a big statement.

Another fun mural is this mummy door. This one is available to purchase, however, I think this one would be a relatively easy DIY using cheesecloth.
You would just need to be sure not to make it so thick that it would get stuck when the garage door is opened.

That one is also available for a double sized garage door, but it’s definitely pricey at around $250!
Monster Mouth
I saw several versions of DIY monster mouth ideas for garage doors. What is cool about this, is when the door is open the bottom teeth slide up as if the monster is closing his mouth. Super cool idea!

All of these Halloween decoration ideas would be a fun addition to your front yard scene. They’re also a great way to add something extra if you’re having a Halloween party!
Many of these can be modified to use as front door decorations as well.
I hope you enjoyed these fun Halloween door decoration ideas. These creative decorations are so much better than simple caution tape and fake spider webs!
Be sure to pin them and save them for next year!
These are really fun and creative ideas for decorating your garage doors. Thanks for going the extra mile to find something unique!
Fun decorations for the garage doors. Nice job pointing the different choices out.