11 Fresh Ideas for Fall Gardens

fall landscapingimage via Country Living

It’s not too soon to talk about fall, is it? If you’re a gardener you know you have to think ahead when planning your gardens. For my fall gardens, I usually just add a few mums outside and that’s it but I’d really like to incorporate some perennials into the mix for a seasonal display. I know mums are a perennial but I usually kill mine. I think it’s because my front yard is a shade garden and mums like full sun.

So while I’m thinking and planning let’s look at some fresh ways to add fall color into your gardens and get inspired together.

This cabbage and ornamental kale displayed in window boxes is a stunner!

fall gardening cabbage and ornamental kale


Add fall colors to your garden for an autumn glow.

fall color in the garden


Short on space? Make a fall container garden.

fall container gardens


Another plant that adds fall color to the garden is called Croton. 

Costa-Farms-Fall-Flower-5-Croton fall color in the garden


Try filling a wheelbarrel full of mums and pumpkins.

wheelbarrel full of mums


Take the garden harvests and arrange them at your entry way.

fall porch decorating fall garden ideas


I love how these flowers spill over onto the sidewalk! Black Eyed Susans make a great late summer/early fall addition to your garden.

black eyed susans fall gardening


I also love this creative idea of growing sunflowers in an obelisk.

Sunflower trellis fall gardening ideas


This beautiful fall front yard display looks so neat.



Make a big impact with a fall garden planted in a whiskey barrel. I can’t even tell you how much I love this!

fall_garden in a whiskey barrel


I just discovered this plant called Fothergilla, look at the beautiful fall color on this one!

fall color in the garden fall garden ideas


From what I read, Fothergilla does well in sun or part shade, so I think this will be my first step for my own fall gardens. Do you have any other recommendations for fall plants that do well in the shade? If so, please leave a comment and let me know!

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Beautiful Fall Gardening Ideas


11 Fresh Ideas for Fall Gardens




  1. These pictures are gorgeous! Loved them all. I’m ready for Fall!

    1. Thanks, these have really inspired me too!

  2. Japanese blood grass is an awesome autumn plant. Last Autumn I re-potted them into some concrete planters my husband made and the contrast of the grey and the vivid red was just fab!

  3. Native plant, summersweet (Clethra alnifolia), has great smelling flower spikes in July/August, and nice golden fall color. I just planted one in my yard, trade name Vanilla Spice. It can grow in partial shade, and needs a wet or moist spot.

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