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Simple Bathroom Ideas

With the new normal we are all now facing in this country, it’s interesting to hear how everyone is dealing with quarantine. Refreshing my house is always a good solution for me, it’s practically therapeutic.

Fortunately, before the quarantine, I stocked up on a few new bathroom items from The Christmas Tree Shops. I was able to give my bathroom a good cleaning and a fresh feel with a few things. These are really simple bathroom ideas that go a long way.

One thing I always do is to roll my bathroom towels. Rolling them as opposed to folding them gives a very spa-like feel. Simple but effective!

simple bathroom ideas

The garden section of the Christmas Tree Shops is one of my favorites. I never met a planter or a trellis I didn’t like. I thought it would be nice to add a small one to my bathroom. Plants thrive in bathrooms due to the steam.

plants in the bathroom

I picked up a set of these pretty floral towels for spring as well. I rolled up the hand towels and placed them in a small basket on my sink. Another simple idea that feels a little fancy.

pretty bathroom hand towels

I also have a thing for ruffles, so this shower curtains stopped me in my tracks. The ruffles and florals are very feminine but the dark gray keeps it from being over the top.

ruffled shower curtain, long length in gray

I also switched out my garbage can and replaced it with a basket. Small changes with big impact are so satisfying.

basket for garbage can in bathroom

The floral towels are the perfect accent for spring.

I call these little wins. And with everything that’s going on, I’ll take it.

bathroom decorating ideas

You can find more inspiration via the Christmas Tree Shops inspiration hub.

I’d love to hear what you are doing around the house to keep occupied. Leave a comment so we can all get some ideas from each other!

This post on simple bathroom ideas was in partnership with Christmas Tree Shops, all opinions are my own. You can read my full disclosure here.


  1. Where did you get that darling stool in the bathroom by your tub?

    1. Hi, Toni. That was a Home Goods find.

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