My First Post

Hi there! This is my first ever blog post, so I thought I’d start with a little info about me and why I’m starting a blog. For my basic info you can see my about page.

My interest in interior design started about 5 years ago. The more I learned about it the more I loved it. While surfing the HGTV website one day, I found the rate my space section. This picture of a kitchen caught my eye and the link took me to a blog called theLetteredCottage. Blogging was a new concept to me and really piqued my interest. I couldn’t believe there were people out there like me, always thinking about decorating.

I found myself going back consistently to read more. Through that blog I found the NY Institute of Art and Design (previously called the Sheffield School of Interior Design). They offer an affordable interior design program, where you study on your own time at your own pace.

It took me about 18 months to 2 years to finish the course. I loved every minute of it. The next year or two I spent wondering what to do with that info. Start my own design business? Work for someone else? Indecision left me doing none of the above. I kept reading blogs & was totally impressed with what these women can do! One day a few months ago, I got an email from DailyBlogTips (which I subscribed to even though I didn’t have a blog!) offering a very affordable course on how to start a blog. I finally realized that this is really where my heart is. I love reading other blogs, and learning about everyone’s unique perspective from their part of the world.

Here, I will be sharing what I’ve learned with you as well as design inspiration in the hopes of helping everyone create an affordable space they love. Research has shown that our surroundings can & do affect our mood. Your home is your sanctuary, so why not take the time to create a soothing space you love to come home to?

I will be learning by doing so bear with me through my learning curves. I welcome any and all advice from experienced bloggers! Aside from The Lettered Cottage I also love CentsationalGirl and Thriftydecorchick to name just a few.

I’d love to hear any and all feedback. You can leave a comment below or reach me here.


  1. Karen Doerr says:

    I saw you on Rachel Ray and you are such a delightful person. I started following your Blog immediately. You have inspired me to become more creative.
    On your Blog did you have instructions on how to make no sew curtains? If so what kind of material did you use and how do I find the instructions. Thank you and Have a Healthy and Happy New Year.

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