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How To Make Oatmeal Soap

Soap making is a pretty ideal way to pass the time during the quarantine. I’ve had the supplies to make oatmeal soap for months but never got around to it until now.

Similar to my lavender and bee pollen soap, I used a melt and pour base. It’s easy, and it’s fun because much of the process is customizing the soap to your liking. Also, using different soap molds and stamps is another fun way to make it interesting.

Oatmeal Soap Supplies Needed

I wanted to make my soap exfoliating. In order to do that, I used actual oatmeal.

You’ll want to use the whole oats instead of quick oats so that it doesn’t get too mushy. Crush them down until they’re very fine. I used my wooden mortar and pestle bowl to do this. You could also use a blender or pop it in a Ziploc bag to crush it up.

crushing oatmeal for oatmeal soap recipe

Before melting your soap, prepare your soap molds. This time around I lightly misted the molds with rubbing alcohol that I poured into a spray bottle. I heard that cuts down on bubbles forming and I do believe I had fewer bubbles this time as compared to the first time I made soap.

Next, cut up the soap base into chunks. Fill a measuring cup up with the pieces and microwave it for 30 seconds. If you see any chunks left after 30 seconds, put it back in at 10-second intervals until melted. I used large craft sticks (leftover from this place setting) as stirrers.

Customizing Your Soap Recipe

At this point, you can add anything you desire to your soap. I added a small amount of the crushed oatmeal to make it exfoliating, about a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of lemongrass essential oil. The lemongrass essential oil is my new favorite, it smells amazing.

Then pour the mixture into your prepared soap molds. Be sure they’re on a flat surface so they firm up evenly.

Once they’ve firmed up, pop them out of the molds. Now you can stamp your soap if desired. I had picked up a little soap stamper months ago, so I tried that for the first time.

soap stamp

Before stamping the soap, mist the stamper first with the alcohol and press it down firmly into the soap.

That’s it, so easy!

oatmeal soap bar recipe

My daughter and I made these together, she enjoyed making the soap as much as I did.

how to make oatmeal soap

We are already planning our next batch. 🙂

Please Pin:

How to make this easy, DIY oatmeal soap recipe at home using all natural ingredients.

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  1. Maryann Matthews says:

    THEY’RE beautiful!! I love this XoXo

  2. I noticed that the soap base comes in a 2 lb package. did you use the whole 2 lbs? Thank you.

    1. Hi Patty, yes I did. It makes approximately 7-10 bars of soap depending on how big your soap molds are.

    1. Thank you 🙂

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this tutorial. i have been intimidated about making my own soap but now im going to give it a try!!!!!!
    Thanks again:)

  4. I love this DIY! What an awesome gift to give. Thanks for sharing!

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