
Decorating With Dried Hydrangeas

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As much as summer is my favorite season, I do love the late summer/fall transition. It’s such a beautiful time of year, especially here in NJ. Harvest season is full swing. My husband and I didn’t plant much this year other than some potted tomatoes and my herb garden. However, my favorite thing to harvest at this time is my hydrangeas. Decorating with dried hydrangeas is simple, there isn’t anything you need to do to them other than cut them and bring them inside.

I started my hydrangea garden on the side of my house two years ago. They seem to love the amount of sun they get in that spot. The garden isn’t quite ready for its close up yet, but I do get enough blooms to make a few cut flower arrangements over the summer. At this time of year, the blooms that I didn’t cut lose their bright colors and turn to a beautiful green with a hint of pink. Even the bits of brown work for fall decorating.

dried hydrangeas for fall decorating

I cut several faded blooms and brought them in. This year I decided to make wall decor with them. I used a wall planter that I had picked up at an antique store last year for only $1. It was rusty and old.

hydrangea wall decor

I gave it a fresh coat of spray paint and it was as good as new. Wayfair has this wall planter that is almost identical to mine. I also noticed this really cute set of 3 metal wall planters.

fall decorating with dried hydrangeas indoor wall planters

I added a few stems of the dried hydrangeas and tied raffia ribbon around the planter. Super simple!

dried hydrangeas wall planter fall harvest fall decor

I went back to my sink to clean up the cut stems and leaves and was shocked to find a tiny frog that must have been on one of the leaves! I don’t do well with any creatures that don’t have fur, fortunately my daughter was home and she removed him from the sink and set him free outside.


I also made a simple centerpiece with some of my harvest. I added three mason jars to  my rustic wooden caddy (mine was a flea market find, see similar here), added water and then filled in the jars with the dried hydrangeas. They still need water to keep from shriveling up.

dried hydrangeas fall centerpiece

I moved it to the sideboard in my family room and decided I liked it better in here.

decorating for fall with dried hydrangeas family room with large map wall decor

It’s similar to the fall vignette I made last year. I love decorating with things from nature, especially seasonally. The best part is that it doesn’t cost anything, which is perfect if you’re looking for cheap decorating ideas!

drying hydrangeas for fall harvest decorating

I added a few faux white pumpkins to the vignette. I’ve always wanted to have my own little pumpkin patch and next year I think I’m going to plant mini white pumpkins to add to my fall harvest.

Decorating for fall with dried hydrangeas First Harvest dried flowers

What do you harvest at this time of year?

This post was sponsored by Wayfair, all opinions are my own.


  1. Hydrangeas are so beautiful, I wish I had them in my yard for indoor decor at a moment’s notice! Your decor is beautiful, I love it! Sharing!

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