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Ceiling Fan Light Covers

ceiling fan light upgrade

I have two ceiling fans in my house. One is in my main living room and one is in my bedroom. Both of which had those frosted glass light covers, which make the fans look so outdated. I’ve been thinking about replacing them for some time, but I couldn’t find anything that would fit that was much better aesthetically. This is one of the shades I removed from my upstairs ceiling fan. So ugly.


old ceiling fan light cover



I knew there was zero chance my husband would replace two ceiling fans just because I didn’t like the shades, so when I saw this cage light cover on Amazon I thought it just might work. I ordered them to try on each of the fans.

cage light cover




You can see from the top view of the cage light cover that the screws and washers make it adjustable.

ceiling fan lamp cover




I slid it over the outside of the light bulb socket and tightened the screws. You can see in this photo, there is a lip around the outside of the light socket that made it impossible to push the cage cover all the way up. But there was enough of the socket part hanging down to get the cage pendant on securely.

ceiling fan covers


Here is a view from underneath.

close up



This next shot is of the downstairs fan. This fan also had a lip around it but it was more recessed than my other fan and the cage covers were easier to get on.

ceiling fan shades



And here it is with all the ceiling fan light covers replaced.

upgrade ceiling fan cover


They are holding up fine with constant use. I like the contrast of the black covers and the white fans. The photo above is from my master bedroom, which I recently repainted all white. I am excited to be starting a much needed makeover in this room! I am hoping to have it done by the end of the summer but at the pace I’m going, it may be longer. Good design takes time!


How to Upgrade Your Ceiling Fan Light Covers


Check out more of my cheap decorating ideas here!

20 Cheap Decorating Ideas that look chic!







  1. I love this idea. I have a really dated fan in my dining room. I might try something like this on it!


  2. Congratulations, Roxanne! I have chosen your ceiling fan as my favorite at Our Inspiration Monday Party! I will be featuring you this Sunday. Thank you for linking up!!!

    1. Thanks Julie, that’s awesome!

      1. Angie Holt says:

        Could someone please tell me simply where I can buy these cage ceiling fan light covers without having to jump through hoops to get an answer? I’m very sorry for being rude but I was on Hometalk, which I love, and I tapped on the photo that says, [where can I buy these cage light covers for my ceiling fan?]

        It brought me here. If the info to buy them is on this page, I apologize again, but I don’t see it. Some one please guide me to the right place!

        1. Hi Angie, the info to buy them is on this page, I’m sorry if it isn’t clear. Here is the direct link to the light covers: http://amzn.to/2dGSozD

        2. Lorri Lefebvre-Jackson says:

          The word Amazon is highlighted in the beginning where it says I found the cage light covers on Amazon. Click and it takes you to the page.

  3. Where did you purchase these fan light cages?

  4. Debbie from WA says:

    I changed out my white sconces with these plus changed the light bulbs to the Vintage Edison 40 watt, LED. They come in clear glass or amber and there are different shapes to choose from as well. Amazon has them. Takes this great new update over the top!

  5. It’s so funny… when I saw your ceiling fan makeover on Pinterest, over two years ago, little did I know that we would be blogging friends now! I just realized that you were my inspiration so long ago, even though I just did my makeover this past year! (Saw the pic of your fan in your latest post.) I need to link to you in my post!

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