DIY Spring Flower Basket
While we’ve actually had a few warm-ish days here in NJ but we are nowhere near ready for outdoor planting yet. I bought a variety of flower seeds online and can’t wait to get them planted and work on some outdoor projects I have in mind. In the meantime, I made this DIY spring flower basket to hold me over.
This is made with fake flowers, though I really did consider using real for this little project. I decided to experiment with the fake first and if it went well, make a real one for Easter.
What You Will Need For the Spring Flower Basket*:
First, I added the floral foam inside the pot. After that, I took two of the flower stems and placed them opposite each other inside the pot to get an idea of how high I wanted them. Once I had them at the right height, I used the floral tape to hold them together.
Before I took them out of the pot, I made a dot with a sharpie where I wanted my ivy to end. This way the lower portions would be left uncovered to slide back into the flower basket.
I thought about buying ivy stems and taping those on, but when I was shopping I found this ivy garland with chain links. It would’ve cost about the same either way and this was much easier considering I just had to slide the floral stems right through the chain links. Make sure you look for the ivy “chain” garland if you want to recreate this.
When I had the ivy where I wanted it, I cut off the excess and placed it back into the basket. The ivy held onto the stems easily with no floral tape needed. Lastly, I started filling in the bottom with my fake flowers.
I used a mix of light pink and white flowers.
Fill it in until you have the desired amount in your spring flower basket.
That’s it! This was so easy I think I will make a real one for an Easter centerpiece! By then the ivy I have outside might green up enough to use it. You could also tuck a few decorated Easter eggs into this to make it more festive for the holiday!
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