This You Have To See

Painted Shed Transformation

The Honeycomb Home



My husband built this shed in our yard about 10 years ago and it was looking very sad.  Time for a makeover!

Getting Started


First I cut in the edges using a foam edging brush.  I prefer not to use good brushes outside because dirt will inevitably get in.

Use A Spayer


For outdoor painting I prefer to use a sprayer.  It goes much quicker and dirt can't get into it.

Quick Painting


After cutting in, I sprayed the rest with the paint sprayer on a low setting to avoid overspray.

Color Change


Halfway through, I decided I didn't like my color choice so I started all over with a darker blue.

Much Better


It was worth the extra effort, the darker blue really looks amazing when the greenery fills in around it!

Before & After


Want to see that before and after again?

It's amazing what a little paint can do!  (Greenery doesn't hurt either!)